Tellus data launch | 20 May 2014 | 08:45 – 13:30
Registration with refreshments, maps and posters, and 3D data visualisation demonstration
Welcome and introduction to the Tellus South West project: Andy Howard, British Geological Survey (BGS)
Presentations on data and applications (ground based data)
G-BASE soil and stream sediment geochemistry: Jo Wragg, BGS
Microbial diversity and genomics: Rob Griffiths, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH)
Habitats and Ecological Status (10+5): Gwyn Rees, CEH
Break with refreshments, maps and posters, and 3D data visualisation demonstration
Presentations on data and applications (airborne data)
Airborne geophysical data: David Beamish BGS
LIDAR survey data: France Gerard CEH, Stephen Grebby BGS
Q&A and wrap up
Sandwich lunch and networking, hotel restaurant